About Me
I never use any sort of projector or tracing device, preferring to construct everything with only the most basic of materials. Each piece of hair or blade of grass is given the same thought and care as the shape of a nose or the sparkle in an eye.
Life is our stories and art is a particular way of seeing those stories. You must forget your prejudices and what you believe something looks like in order to see it as it is. The general shape of a hand is well-known, but what does it look like from the side? What muscles are flexed when grasping an object? A hand is not always five visible fingers. And yet it is still a hand, even if I only see the fist and thumb. People and their personalities and emotions are much the same. It is my job to convince the viewer to interact with what I create and see the whole of it, not just view it as something separate. Our stories are part of everything we do, everything we are, and it is written in every line of our faces. When we look at art that moves and inspires us, it is this interaction that we feel. It is the interconnections of humanity working through us as we see the world from another person's perspective.